Oh, wow. Uh. Yeah I don't know what to do here. Kinda made this for venting, I guess.


So, like, in the last website I put up pronouns and stuff. That's cool, yeah.

And I'm pretty sure I'm confident with pronouns, though I'm gonna avoid them here. Well, guess I'm a liar. I wasn't very confident.

I won't be for a while.

But what I am identity-wise is kinda, like, totally lost on me.

Bunch of people have different answers on what they think I am. Some of them closer than others.

But, like? Idk. What I've told people suddenly feels kinda weird. Not quite sure what I am. It's all weird.

I don't know. I feel like I'm, like, typing a whole ton of nothing. But that's whatever. Nobody will find this, probably.

And if you did, doesn't matter. Alls the same, I think. Uh. I hope I figure out what I am or whatever. That'd be nice, I'm sure.

Right because I know a solid chunk of people who really have that together. Some of them got that super figured out.

I also know some others who don't but do? At the same time. They just kinda gave up, or whatever. They accept they probably can't figure out what they are or whatever. They're chill with that.

I think that's kinda crazy. Not bad crazy. Good for them, is a great cool. Is awesome and poggers. But, like, for me? I can't just accept that for myself. But I might have to.

The question is in my head of what I am and I can't just accept "idk" and it drives me a little nuts. A bit crazy. More than a bit. A bunch crazy. Drives me a whole tons crazy.

And I kinda hate it? Y'know? It's kinda evil and big sucks. Majorly sucks.

I'm either hoping I figure it out, or somehow my brain finally accepts I can't. I would prefer to know what I am, but that seems a bit hard right about now.

Whatever. If you read this, good for you? I guess? Uh, thanks for doin that, I guess.

Let's hope I can sort it out.